Update 1.0.2

Devlog 1

hello everyone.

Thank you for your lukewarm reception to Jan-Ken-Pond. I suppose that as an artist, trying to top your magnum opus may perhaps be more difficult than creating a magnum opus in the first place. I hope that through consistent updates for years to come, Jan-Ken-Pond might one day surpass my own crown jewel, Dodge the Racists.

Nevertheless, this will be the final update to this game.

What is new in 1.0.2

Many of you have noted a bug in which clicking all 3 options during the fishing scene will let you catch the fish 100% of the time, as the buttons are not disabled. This bug has now been patched, and some might say make the game even worse.

The Future

Thank you for reading this final? devlog. If enough of you request it I will add a season battle pass and lootboxes. Also, if the auto-clicker problem continues, I will add a Captcha to stop cheating.


Jan-Ken-Pond-1.0.2.exe 73 MB
Feb 13, 2024

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